Cloud Security: An In-Demand Cybersecurity Skill in 2022 and Beyond

cloud security

Cloud security is nothing but a unique practice of safeguarding cloud-based infrastructure, data, and applications. It is a sequence of principles, practices, and technologies designed to control and secure cloud environments.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, the cloud security market is predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 25.86%, from USD 112.01 billion in 2019 to USD 281.74 billion in 2027.

The talent lack in this fi­eld is distressing given the high demand for cloud security professionals.

Factors responsible for the cloud security skills shortage

  • Numerous factors contribute to the skills shortage in the cloud security domain.
  • 70% of organizations depending on the public cloud to manage their businesses have suffered security incidents
  • 44% of businesses anticipate experiencing security challenges resulting from data theft or loss (Sophos, 2020).
  • 66% of organizations have suffered the consequences of miscon­figuring cloud servers

Why Choose C|CSE Course?

Practical Learning and Comprehensive Knowledge

It offers Practical Learning and comprehensive Knowledge of security practices, tools, and techniques used to configure extensively used public cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Carry Out Cloud Computing Security Audits and Penetration Testing

Demonstrates how to perform cloud computing security audits and penetration testing to help organizations comply with the standards, policies, procedures, and regulations governing cloud environments.

Real-World Threat Scenario Skills

Permits you to learn the various skills required in real-world threat scenarios from industry specialists.

Enhance Security posture Augmentation

Plays a dynamic role in augmenting your organization’s security posture by educating you on how to plan, configure, implement and maintain a secure cloud environment

Simulated Environment

Provides a simulated environment with over 50 complex labs to prepare you with various skills that matter and guarantee job readiness.

Real-time job roles and responsibilities mapping

The entire cloud computing curriculum has been mapped in such a way that provides real-time job roles and responsibilities for cloud security professionals

Certified Cloud Security Engineer (C|CSE) Course Modules:

        Module 01: Introduction to Cloud Security

        Module 02: Platform and Infrastructure Security in the Cloud

        Module 03: Application Security in the Cloud

        Module 04: Data Security in the Cloud

        Module 05: Operation Security in the Cloud

        Module 06: Penetration Testing in the Cloud

Target Audience:

• Network security engineers

• Cybersecurity analysts

• Network security analysts

Cloud administrators and engineers

• Network security administrators

• Cloud analysts

• Cybersecurity engineers

• Those working in network and cloud management and operations

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