Category: cybercrime


SharkBot: newly created malware to attack banking apps on android phones

Researchers in the cybersecurity field have discovered a new Android Trojan overcome multi-factor authentication on banking apps on smartphones, putting users’ financial data and money at risk called “SharkBot” malware. This is an Android...

Incident Responder Career Roadmap from Entry Level to Senior Level – (Career in Cyber Security)

What is Incident Responder? Incident responders, sometimes also referred to as an Intrusion Analyst or Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) Engineer. Fundamentally, a cyber first-responder. Incident Responder seeks out to protect and improve...

Knowing this new trend of online fraud, you will also think a thousand times before clicking on mobile, stay alert

Knowing this new trend of online fraud, you will also think a thousand times before clicking on mobile, stay alert

Lakhs of rupees crossing in two seconds, a small lapse can cause big loss Raipur. Thugs have found a new way to fraud online. Now, hack the mobile of people directly and steal their banking related...

Earn 50k to 75k+ every month by becoming a Cybersecurity Expert

Earn 50k to 75k+ every month by becoming a Cybersecurity Expert

earn money from cybersecurity Internet usage has increased and the world is becoming digital, there has been a huge increase in cybercrimes. The biggest challenge facing Internet workers, security organizations and private companies today...