Are you preparing for Digital Marketing Interview in 2022?

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As we all know Digital marketing is advertising through multiple online channels, i.e. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Website, blogs, Social media marketing, Email, and Mobile app. According to the current scenario, the candidate should have proper knowledge of how Digital Marketing functions to get the interview cracked. There are many certifications and programs available at ICSS (International College for Security Studies) to become an expert in this technology. Opportunities are enormous for this technology almost in every organization. Perfect knowledge and certification from ICSS will easily fetch you a job in a good MNC.


Now, Most the fresh graduates have questions like:

  1. How should I prepare for a Digital marketing Interview?
  2. Which are the top questions for Digital marketing Interview?
  3. Where can we find the best articles for Digital marketing and online technology?

You need not worry as ICSS understand your requirements and excitement to become successful in Digital Marketing. ICSS framed a list of latest Digital marketing Interview questions and answers to make it easier for Digital Marketing Interview Preparation. ICSS offer a list of Interview questions and answers which would be helpful for fresher and experienced candidates.

The purpose of this blog is:

  1. Get the complete idea of Digital marketing questions along with possible answers.
  2. Introduction to some real analysis questions.
  3. Have knowledge of all the common questions which are relevant for all digital marketing roles.

1. What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing means any marketing activity done online through internet. The Key objective is to promote brands, build preference and increase sales through various digital marketing techniques.

It Involves techniques like.

  1. SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
  2. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  3. SMM( Social Media Marketing)
  4. Email Marketing
  5. Content Marketing

2. Explain about SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is widely known as SEO. It is the process of improving the structure, content, and layout of your website so that search engine can easily index them. It also involves doing promotional activities to boost your online sales through search engines optimization (SEO).

3. What is a Keyword in Digital Marketing?

“KEYWORD” is a word that a user enters into a search engine to search relevant information.

For SEO point, Keywords are very crucial. How you optimize them also reflect your site ranking.

4. Reason for Online Marketing is more preferred than other technology?

Digital Marketing offers numerous benefits. The capability of Online Marketing to reach vast numbers of the audience is extraordinary.

With technological development, the number of people reading newspapers, listening to the radio & watching TV is reducing.

5. How Effective is Social Media Marketing is?

Social Media marketing is very useful in communicating with your clients’.Maybe someone is not taking advantage of social media marketing, but it is a vital mean to build a relationship with customers.

6. Explain about social media marketing cost and ROI?

Social Media Marketing is never free of cost as the time as efforts and skill required to run a campaign will going to cost you some money.

ROI is not always measured in terms of revenue but through other means such as generating leads, increasing email subscriptions and boosting customer satisfaction.

7. How important youtube for marketing in the Digital marketing strategy.

Videos are the future of Social Media Marketing. It is estimating that youtube is getting 4 billion views per day. You can easily promote your brand through Video marketing on YouTube and other social media marketing platforms.

8. What is Google Adwords?

It is an advertising service built by Google. It’s the most critical PPC advertising system in the world. It mainly focuses on Keywords, and we can easily set our budget which will Google deduct on each click by the customers.

9. What is the most effective way to improve traffic to your website?

To increase traffic on your website one should focus on referring links and SEO  and USER RETENTION is the most critical factor to improve traffic on your site.

10. What is Google Adwords Re-Marketing?

A targeted marketing strategy is known as Google Adwords Re-marketing.

It is very successful in target those people who visited the website but didn’t make purchase thus helps in targeting the right people.

11. How you stay updated with the latest Digital Marketing Trends?

To stay updated with the latest trends in Digital Marketing one should read the blog post of Neil Patel on Digital Marketing. It is imperative to stay updated with the blog, books, and webinars.

12. What are some techniques of Black Hat Seo?

Some techniques of Black Hat Seo is,

  1. Keyword Stuffing
  2. Doorway Pages
  3. Link farming
  4. Cloaking
  5. Hidden Text

13. What is a Webmaster Tool in SEO?

It is a free service by Google which provides free data indexing. Helpful in resolving crawl errors and submission of the XML sitemap. Also includes search queries and backlinks information.

14. What do you know about Spider?

The program used by search engines to index website is known as Spiders. They also rate the content which helps the search engine to determine relevancy level.

15. How can we decrease the loading time of the website?

We must ensure the following steps to reduce the loading time of a website.

One can reduce the file size of images without affecting the quality with proper optimization.

16. What is Content Marketing?

Content Marketing is beneficial for small and large- scale businesses. Quality content can easily target and convert any audience with relevancy. We should consistently use blogging, social media marketing, and other digital marketing platforms to promote our content on a large scale.

17. What do you know about quality score and what are the factors that affect quality score?

Quality Score is defined as the quality of keyword compared with a landing page, ad, and ad text. For each keyword, it is calculated between 1 to 10. Some of the factors that mainly affect quality score are.

  1. Account’s History and Data
  2. Click Through Rate
  3. The relevance of Keywords with Ad
  4. Landing Page Quality

18. What are the primary models for determining Pay-Per-Click?

In Flat-rate PPC, Advertiser agrees to pay fix amount on each click and the amount depends upon the keywords and content.

In the second case, the advertiser competes with other advertisers in private auction and hence inform publisher about the maximum amount of bid he is willing to pay for each click.

19. List out some of the most useful online marketing tools in Digital marketing?

In Digital marketing we mostly use a tool such as:

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Crazy egg heat maps
  3. Stumble Upon
  4. XML Site map Generator
  5. Favicon Generator
  6. XML Sitemap Generator

20. In Digital Marketing, what are the ways to get “ natural backlinks”

The chances are almost zero for any new launches website. You can try natural backlink through a guest post on some reputable website of your Niche.

But in Digital marketing, you must do it on a reputable website only.

21. What is Competitive Analysis?

Competitive Analysis is very crucial and important part in “Digital Marketing promotions”.

It is simply identifying your competitors

Evaluating their strength and weakness

Comparing your product and services with them

Formation of strategy to compete with them in Market

22. What is Responsive Web Design?

In online marketing, we must use responsive design for our website as a responsive website is capable of adjusting

23. How relevant are Digital Marketing certifications?

Getting Digital marketing certifications from Institutes like International College for Security Studies is very helpful in enhancing your skill at professional level over Digital marketing subject.

ICSS provides the best training and internship opportunities for students. ICSS beliefs in making the future a better place of learning and include every possible aspect to improve in the future with knowledge

24. What are some of the key matrices to measure the success of paid search campaigns?

The Success of paid search campaigns by following metrics.

  1. Quality Score
  2. Click-Through rate
  3. Conversion rate
  4. Cost Per Conversion

25. What is mean by 301 Redirect?

A 301 redirect is a process of reporting web browser and search engines that a web page or site has been moved to new location. A 301 redirect includes the address to which the resources have been removed.

26. How we can reduce the loading time of the website?

To reduce the loading time of your website

We can use fewer images and external style sheets.

Without affecting the quality of images, we should reduce the size and optimize it in a possible way.

27. Does outreach have any impact on Lead Generation in Digital marketing strategy?

The most important way to implement outreach is through social media marketing and guest blogging. You can connect with other influencers and also help them share content which they want to promote.

28. What is your strategy for social media marketing success?

To ensure success in social media marketing strategy we should implement the following strategy

  1. Use Creative Post.
  2. Do post consistently.
  3. Either engage in conversation or encourage audience engagement.
  4. Provide valuable content that must be knowledge-based.

29. What kind of business uses Digital Marketing?

Most eCommerce sites such as Flipkart, Amazon, and eBay.

30. Why WhatsApp marketing is so important for any Digital Marketing promotion?

Whatsapp marketing is an effective way of marketing where we can use various features of WhatsApp to reach the targeted audiences. Most important is that it promotes multimedia content that means you can share videos, audios and any business related information with real-time direct communications with your clients.

31. What is AMP

In Online Marketing, users prefer to browse through mobile but slow load time can be very problematic and accelerated mobile pages are a strong solution for that problem.

To offer a great user experience in while browsing, it’s an open source initiative by Google that enables to load website quickly.

32. Do you know about Google Algorithm? What are the latest Updates?

google algorithm updateAlgorithms are simply a set of rules followed by Google to rank a webpage of a particular query.

Some of the updates are:

1. Panda

The Launch Date is Feb 24, 2011; it works on duplicated and plagiarized content.

2. Penguin

It launched on April 24, 2012. It considers a link from irrelevant sites and links with over-optimized anchor text.

3. Hummingbird

Launch Date – August 22, 2013. It considers low-quality content and keyword stuffing.

4. Pigeon

Launch Date- July 24, 2014

It considers poor and off page SEO

5. Mobile Friendly

Launch date – April 21, 2015

It considers the nonresponsive website and poor mobile usability

6. Rank Brain

Launch date is October 26, 2015

It warns about thin content and poor UX.

7. EDM Update

Exact Match Domain is a filter google launched in September 2012 to prevent poor quality sites from ranking because they had search terms in their domain names.

33. Why you choose Digital Marketing?

The main reason to choose Digital marketing industry is because of the enormous demand and opportunity with growing areas of online business and also looking for the chance to work very closely with some biggest brands.

34. Where do you see yourself in five years time in the digital marketing sector?

I want to see myself in Digital Marketing Head role or want to start my own Digital marketing agency.


As we all understand that the real key to getting success in any online marketing job interview lies in the combination of displaying the right attitude with smartly answering the question asked.

This question guide covers almost all basic questions which will help you to stand out from other candidates and maximize your chance for selection.

With that, we wish you Best of Luck!

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