E-commerce marketing

E-Commerce Marketing

With the rise in pandemic, offline marketing has gone through a great loss while in case of online marketing it has given a boom to E-commerce  industries . So many businesses have gone digital due to the pandemic .

E-commerce marketing and Digital marketing are like part two part of coin .

E-commerce marketing can use digital marketing techniques to grow and promote the business. 

E-commerce marketing is a marketing strategy through which one can generate sales on online stores  . It also helps in creating brand awareness about online stores. It helps in building customers . The e-commerce marketers use social media ,search engines ,sms marketing , email marketing techniques to gain more traffic and make online sales .Every E-commerce company uses different -different marketing techniques to enrich their brand .

E-commerce Marketing Helps in :

  • Driving traffic to your websites 
  • discovering the same kind of  products on your website .
  •  driving new customers to the website .
  •  remarketing to buy new products or the same product again.
  •  increasing visibility of website 
  •  Building loyalty and customer satisfaction . 
  • Providing new offers to customer to make shopping enjoyable

To make a brand awareness you need to constantly make advertisements so more and more customers are there . This will also help in building trust for your brand . 

Types of E-commerce Marketing Strategies :

E-commerce marketing include all activity related to digital marketing such as :

  • Search engine 
  • Social media 
  • Email marketing 
  • SMS marketing
  • On-site 
  • Your media Blogs
  • Offline marketing (Print,Tv spots)

E-Commerce SEO

It is a practice through which you make website visibility on search engines.

This practice is done by adding keywords to websites that customers will use to search products the same as yours. For example – A person searches for “Men cotton shirt” , Google will search for results and display it in SERP . If you are in the SERP page there are most likely chances for conversion. In E-commerce marketing the SEO marketing is a free way of marketing . SEO is meant to be done for all pages . 

Email marketing

Email marketing strategy is also used in E-commerce marketing for promotion purposes. Email  marketing technique is a very reliable and cheaper mode of marketing . To start email marketing you just need to make an email list and start sending mails to them . Email marketing is used because you can send transactional ,automated email  and segmented emails .

SMS marketing 

Sms marketing includes sending text messages to customers. These messages can be promotional . It helps in sending updates and alerts to customers . For example – Automated messages are sent by E-commerce  companies such as offers , Shipping updates etc . 

Organic/Paid social media Marketing 

Organic social media marketing is done on platforms such as facebook,instagram,pinterest ,tik tok etc. If you are an E-commerce company then you can make posts of your new products and make company updates, or moreover you can make posts that can give you engagement . These platforms in return will help you in driving more sales .

Paid social media marketing is different from organic marketing as in paid social media marketing you need to run ads for your products to get more engagement and conversion . Different social media have different ad formats so you need to work and test which suits your E-commerce store best .

Search advertising method

In this type of advertising the promotion is done on search engines . This type of advertising is done with the help of google ads . Google ads is a paid advertising mode in which you need to create a campaign for your ad . 

  • Pay per click (displayed on top of search results for provided keyword)
  • Google shopping ads (place to list your product with price range ,images)
  • Display ads (these are the banner ads that are displayed on website )

Affiliate marketing 

Affiliate marketing is another type of E-commerce marketing technique .In affiliate marketing the sales depend on network , or refer , which helps in  driving traffic to online stores .

E-commerce content marketing 

Content marketing is another form of marketing . It helps in driving the traffic to websites through content . The main objective of this marketing  is to give answers ,this will help in building trust with customers . It will help in building backlink to websites that will give you good traffic on the website which in turn will increase the conversion rate .

Advantages of E-commerce marketing

There are certain advantages of E-commerce marketing :

  • Faster buying process 
  • Cost reduction 
  • Marketing and advertising  is affordable 
  • Customer flexibility
  • Comparison of price and product can be done easily
  • No limitation of area for selling
  • Faster response 
  • Different mode of payment accepted   

Disadvantages of E-commerce marketing

There are certain disadvantages of e-commerce marketing too:

  • Customer have privacy and security concern
  • Lack in-store engagement 
  • Lead to cost of maintaining and setting of website 

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