As a security auditor, you will learn different skills to work assesses the computer security systems of a corporation to ensure that they are secure from cyber offenders. Security auditors regularly produce comprehensive reports that discuss a system’s efficiency and propose developments.


The security auditor’s principal responsibility for a corporate is unavoidable. They are required to ensure that a governmental agency or a company is safe from terrorist and criminal behaviors. Since most businesses and agencies keep the largest part of their records in digital databases, these must be properly threatened with encryption and firewalls, other security measures. These databases need to be tested occasionally to ensure that they comply with state-of-the-art IT practices and standards.

The security auditor designs and manages an audit for the organization. Depending on the size of the business entity, audits might be rolled out at the department level, but some businesses are small enough where the whole system can be audited at once. This type of idea must be undertaken by the auditor, who can assess the complete structure of the systems of the organization.

Once the audit has been done, the auditor is required to interpret the resulting data. This is an extremely detailed and analytical process that asks the professional to kind through endless reports with a fine-toothed comb. If any security lead is found suspected, then its sis the primary duty of the security auditor to scrutinise scrutinize the logs. Then, various solutions and problems must be assessed and detailed.

Once audit is completed, report is written and presented for the management team to check and to convey where the system is working and where the fault lies. In the same report, improvement measure is also mentioned. The report will comprise of detailed best practices for Information Technology professionals and other staff members. He also provides a cost-benefit analysis to showcase the value of the upgrade. For example, assigning more manpower to strengthening security codes will pay off by promising that business operations can endure safely and without costly disruptions.

Security auditor vs. Penetration tester

While there is a noteworthy intersection between the duties of a security auditor and a penetration tester, the two profiles are really quite dissimilar. A security auditor seeks to measure a computer system based on recognized standards and will make recommendations to assist the system to become compliant. This assessment comprises all aspects of a company’s information technology structure.

Security auditors develop tests of information technology systems to identify risks and insufficiencies. Security auditors assess firewalls, encryption protocols, and associated security measures, which necessitates know-how in computer security methods and techniques.

Responsibilities of Security Auditor

  • Planning, executing and leading security audits
  • Inspect the efficiency, effectiveness, and operation processes compliance and make sure they are under corporate security policies and related government regulations
  • Precisely interpret audit results against distinct criteria
  • Creating a written, and verbal report of auditing result
  • Creating a process for security audits across the entire network
  • Inspect the company’s current plan and make changes where necessary
  • Creating exams for Information Technology personnel to evaluate company skill set for security
  • Interview employees to assess current security procedures
  • Documenting existing security procedures
  • Distributing new policies to managers
  • Assessing current risks and creating steps to secure vulnerable systems
  • Translating security audit results to company documentation
  • Developing best practices for security procedures

Some other responsibilities of Penetration tester include:

Penetration testers have many responsibilities external of scripting hacks. Responsibilities include working with knowledge managers to document several threats and designing security protocols and policies. Hacking is a problematic task even if it is a hobby for most hackers. Penetration testers find responsibilities trying – where hobbyists can transfer on to another system, penetration testers must endure efforts on the same system.

Possible Career Paths

The path of a security auditor has three rudimentary tiers:

Entry-level Positions

  • Security Administrator
  • Network Administrator
  • System Administrator

IT Security Positions

  • Security Specialist
  • Security Analyst
  • Security Engineers
  • Security Consultant

Management Positions

  • CISO
  • Security Manager
  • IT Project Manager
  • Security Director

The following graphic outlines these levels and potential job titles for you to pursue:

Similar Jobs

If you wish to move into security auditing, there are a number of titles that necessitate virtually the same background as this role.

When you are intended to apply for these jobs, make sure that their descriptions match what you are looking for and what you are qualified to do.

Additionally, make sure that if you land the position that it will accelerate your career forward. Some similar titles include the following:

  • Information Technology Security Auditor
  • Security Specialist
  • IA Auditor
  • Security Consultant
  • Information System Analyst

Job Requirements

To become a cybersecurity auditor, you need to have a bachelor’s degree, preferably in information technology, applicable technical field or computer science. Then you will probably need at least five years of experience in an Information Technology department. You will continuously benefit from additional certificates, whether earned through a university or corporate training.

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