Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

pay per click

Pay per click is an advertising mode through which you can drive traffic to a website . In this marketing model the advertiser pays to the publisher when a customer clicks on an advertisement . This model of advertisement is supported by search engines and  social media platforms such as google ads ,twitter ,facebook , instagram and much more . This model does not work organically , it is a paid advertising of products . In this an advertiser place a bid and placement of ad is done according to the keywords used in ads. Mostly ,Google ads is the most valuable platform for Performing PPC advertising due to the huge amount of traffic availability . The appearance of PPC ad depends on the keyword used and bid strategy . 

There are different factors that decide how your ppc campaign will work :

  • Keyword relevancy :  One must use the relevant keyword according to the service or product . It will help you in better ad placement .
  • Landing page quality : The landing page must be well optimised with the content . The call to action button must work properly . 
  • Quality score : The higher the quality score of your ad the lower will be the cpc . To improve the quality score one must use relevant keywords,improve CTR and update the landing page regularly . 
  • Creative : The ad must be creative and headlines used must be catchy ,this will help you in generating more and more clicks . 

Managing of PPC ads

After you have created the campaign ,you need to manage it in a regular interval to make it more effective . To make a PPC campaign more effective you need to analyse it and make updates when needed . Here are some of  the factors that one must used to optimise the campaign :

  • Add keywords : Use the most relevant keywords as per your business this will help you in expanding the reach . 
  • Add negative keywords : Adding negative keywords help you a lot as it will not display ads on these keywords, adding negative keywords will improve campaign results . 
  • Review costly keywords : Review those keywords that are most expensive and that are not driving good results . You can also replace keywords which are not driving good results  . 
  • Optimise  Landing page:  Modify content and call to action of landing page it will help in improving conversion rate . 
  • Split ad group : Make different ad groups for your ad it will help you in making decisions which ad text and keyword is working better . 

Advantages of PPC advertising : 

Here are some of the Advantages of PPC advertising :

  • PPC ads reach audiences cost-efficiently 
  • It help in driving instant  traffic 
  • It help in generating leads 
  • It gives a positive return on investment.
  • It does not depend on algorithm changes 
  • Multi-layer targeting option is provided 
  • It also helps in your SEO and SMM strategies .
  • It provide retargeting option or remarketing option  
  • Easy to build 

Disadvantages of PPC advertising : 

Here are some of the Disadvantages of PPC advertising :

  • It is a time taking process 
  • One must have skill to run a PPC campaign 
  • It is not mandatory that the click and visit to website will drive to result 
  • It is a paid service 

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