Protect Yourself Against Hackers amid COVID 19

Cyber attackers are targeting industries and individuals including aerospace, transport, manufacturing, hospitality, healthcare, and insurance. Phishing emails written in French, English, Japanese, Italian, and Turkish languages have been found amid COVID 19.

According to recent reports estimate that there will be between 20 and 30 billion Internet-connected devices by 2020. Many people are familiar with computers, smartphones, tablets, and wireless Internet. Nowadays other “smart” devices, like home security cameras and televisions, and even refrigerators, connect to the Internet. More devices create more avenues for attack by cyber hackers.

Hackers unlawfully access websites or devices to steal an individual’s personal information, which they use to commit crimes like theft. Most of the people shop, bank, and pay bills online. People also store their information pertaining to financial transactions, like credit card or bank account numbers, on their devices. A hacker can easily cause a lot of damage even if only one device or account is compromised. To make matters shoddier, hackers are problematic to stop because they are frequently located outside and use sophisticated technology to avoid law enforcement and obtain a wide range of information.

Protecting Computers and Laptops

Make sure your security software is up-to-date. Devices’ operating systems and Internet-connected software should be updated regularly. Typically, your computer will notify you when a software update is available.

Install antivirus and antimalware software Try to install updated firewall and antivirus software and keep them up-to-date.

Disable connections when you are not using it. You are required to turn Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connections off when you aren’t using them. This can prevent unidentified persons from using your network or accessing your devices without your knowledge.

Protecting Cell Phones

Create a Robust passcode or PIN. If your device is stolen or lost, a robust passcode may avert a thief from accessing all the information stored on your phone. Many smartphones also permit you to remotely wipe the information from your computer in the event of theft or loss.

Install trusted applications. Make sure to download apps only from trusted sources, and check the downloads number and read reviews to makes sure you are not downloading a “look-alike” app.

Keep your software up-to-date. Check frequently to ensure that your smartphone has the most up-to-date software. App developers and Smartphone manufacturers regularly release software updates that frequently include security improvements.

Protecting Internet-Connected Devices

It is significant to protect Internet-connected televisions and appliances just like computers and smartphones. Devices as well as the router that connects your home to the Internet are also susceptible to attack.

Review your network and device names. Try to Review your network and device names.If your cell phone or home network named using your identifying information or your last name, change it immediately. This can easily make your device more vulnerable to attack.

Create unique passwords for all devices When you buy a new device, it frequently comes with a modest, default password. Many people set up unique passwords for their phone or computer, but neglect to do so for their Internet router or another smart device.

Protecting Online Accounts

Delete suspicious emails It is essential to delete dubious-looking emails or spam without opening them. If you receive a questionable email from a friend or family member, it is essential to contact that person before the clicking or opening email on a link or attachment.

Use secure devices. If possible, only access online accounts from your personal computer, tablet, or smartphone while using a secured Internet connection. Try to limit accessing personal accounts from public computers that could be infected with spyware or malware, or may use an unsecured Internet connection. If you do use public computers, be sure to log out when you are finished. In general, it is more secure to use a smartphone’s cellular data network than a public or unsecured Internet connection.

Create strong passwords. To diminish the probabilities of your online accounts being hacked, alter your passwords often. Strong passwords comprise at least 12 characters long, include numbers, special characters, letters, (&,!,?, etc.), and are not too predictable.

Use multifactor authentication on your accounts. As a security system, multifactor authentication (MFA) requires more than one method of authentication from independent credentials categories to verify the user’s identity for a login or other transaction. It combines two or more independent credentials including,

  • what the user knows (password)
  • what the user has (security token)
  • what the user is (biometric verification)

Be cautious with “Save my information for next time.” Confirm any website where you put your financial information is secure. The website’s URL should start with https:// remember that the “s” is for “secure”), that your password is unique to that account, and that you log out once you are done.

If Your Online Accounts or Device are Hacked

  • Have devices inspected, please disconnect it from the Internet
  • After getting a device restored or cleaned of viruses, you are required to change all the passwords for any account you retrieved using the device.
  • If a hacked account comprises financial information, contact your bank or credit card company instantly, letting it know that your account may be negotiated.
  • Notify friends and family members make them aware of device or account has been hacked

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