What is Internet – Everything you need to know about it

The Internet network is called the web. Here all the networks are connected with each other. Now, if you are reading this post (what is internet) using any device, you can also read it using the internet. We have to use the internet for almost everything.

Have you ever wondered what is internet and who owns the internet or what are its advantages and disadvantages? To tell the truth, today’s world will not run without it even for a moment. From home to outside, everywhere you will find the internet in one way or the other. It is very important to have knowledge about the thing that we use so much.

Before I tell you what the meaning of the Internet, I want to tell you a few things. In today’s world, a person can eat without electricity, without sleeping, without eating, but without the Internet, he cannot live at all.

By the way, you must be thinking this is a matter of saying, but this is the truth for today’s young generation, who look at it is engaged in mobile. If you ask him/his what you are doing, he/she will say ” Internet “, then I will give you the answer to the same question, what is Internet and will give you some more information along with it. Keep reading this article from my internet what do you think. By the end of the article, you will have increased the store of knowledge. We claim this.

Today we will cover these topics in this blog

1. What is Internet?
2. Full form of Internet
3. Who discovered the Internet
4. When did the Internet start?
5. When was the Internet started in India?
6. Definition of Internet
7. Internet Features
8. What is Intranet?
9. What is the difference between Internet and Intranet?
10. How the Internet Works
11. Functions of TCP and IP
12. Internet History
13. Internet access
14. History of the Internet in India
15. Types of Internet
16. What is Dial-Up Connection (Analog 56K)
17. What is DSL Connection
18. What is Cable Connection
19. What is Fiber Connection
20. What is Wireless Connection
21. What is Wireless DIA (Direct Internet Access)
22. What is Satellite Connection
23. What is Cellular or Mobile technology Connection
24. How is the Internet run?
25. Benefits of Internet
26. Internet loss
27. Development of Internet
28. A Timeline for Internet and World Wide Web development
29. Internet

What is Internet?

The Internet is the network of the world’s largest network. It is a global computer network that provides many types of information and communication facilities.

It is actually a very large network of interconnected networks and together they use standardized communication protocols to stay connected with each other.

This network is called media or Transmission media in the language of the Internet. By the way, I will give a little more information and this web is a kind of wire, in which information and data keep moving around the world. This data can be ” text, image, mp3, video ” out of all these, as much as they are searching on text, image, MP3, video Internet.

Data and information in the net are known through Router and Server, Router and Server only connect all the computers in the world, when the message goes from one computer to another computer then a protocol works named IP. (Internet Protocol), Protocol means ” the rules of running the Internet which is written in programming “.

Full form of internet

The Internet’s full form is Interconnected Network. Which is actually a very large network of all Web Servers Worldwide. Therefore it is also called the World Wide Web or simply the Web in many places.

This network includes many such private and public organizations, schools and colleges, research centers, hospitals as well as many servers all over the world.

Internet is a collection of interconnected networks, ie networks of networks. It is made all over the world by many interconnected gateways and routers being interconnected.

Who discovered the internet

It was not just a matter of one person being able to invent the Internet. Many scientists and engineers were needed to make it. At the time of COLD WAR in 1957, the US established the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) with the aim of creating a technology to connect one computer to another.

The agency established ARPANET in 1969. With which any computer could be connected to any computer.

By 1980, his name became the Internet. Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn invented the TCP / IP protocol in the 1970s, and in 1972, Ray Tomlinson first introduced Email Network.

When did the Internet start?

The Internet started on January 1, 1983. When ARPANET adopted TCP / IP on January 1, 1983, and then researchers started to assemble them. At that time it was called “network of networks”, later in modern times, it is known as the Internet.

When did the internet start in India?

Internet service was made publicly available in India on 14 August 1995 when it was launched by the state-owned Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL).

Definition of internet

The Internet is actually a global wide area network that connects computer systems around the world. There are many high- bandwidth data lines that are called the ” backbone ” of the Internet. These lines are connected with major Internet hubs that distribute data to other locations, such as web servers and ISPs.

Whereas if you want to connect with the Internet, then you should have access to an Internet service provider (ISP), which acts as a middleman between you and the Internet.

Most ISPs provide broadband Internet access via a cable, DSL, or fiber connection. When you connect with the Internet via a public Wi-Fi signal, here too the Wi-Fi router is connected with an ISP to provide you with the internet.

At the same time, cellular data towers also have to be connected to one Internet service provider to provide internet access to connected devices.

Internet features

Let us now know about the characteristics of the Internet, which is very important to know.

World wide web

1. The worldwide web is a part of the internet, which supports hypertext documents, while it allows users to view and navigate different types of data.

2. A web page is a document that is encoded with hypertext markup language (HTML) tags.

3. HTML allows designers to link together via hyperlinks.

4. Each web page has an address, which is called a uniform resource locator (URL).


1. Electronic mail (e-mail) is a very popular reason due to which people use the internet.

2. To create, send, and receive E-Mail Messages you need an e-mail program and an account in an Internet mail server with a domain name.

3. To use e-mail, it is very important for a user to have an e-mail address, which you can create and add your user name to e-mail. For example, if you want to create your account in Gmail then you can create it like username@gmail.com. Here, you have to choose a username unique which is not already available.


1. An Internet-based service is news, which includes many newsgroups.

2. Each newsgroup host discusses a specific topic. There are different newsgroups on all topics.


1. Telnet is a specialized service that allows you to use a computer to access the contents of another computer with the help of a telnet host.

2. A telnet program creates a “Window” host so that you can access files, commands issued, and exchange data.

3. Telnet is widely used by libraries so that it allows visitors to view information, to find articles, etc.

File transfer protocol

1. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is an internet tool that is used to copy files from one computer to another.

2. Using a special FTP program or a web browser, you can log in on an ETP host computer, over the internet and also copy your computer’s files.

3. FTP is very handy for finding and copying software files, you can do the same with articles and other types of data types. Universities and software companies use FTP servers so that they can allow visitors to access data.

Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

1. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a service that allows users to communicate with each other in real-time by typing text in a special window.

1. Like news, there are hundreds of IRC “channels” and each is dedicated to one subject or user group.

3. If you want, you can use a special IRC program to participate in these chat room discussion but most chat rooms are set up on the website itself, which enables visitors directly from your browser window. to chat

What is the intranet?

The intranet is a private network that is often seen in a single enterprise. It has many interlinked local area networks from Amtour and together it also uses leased lines in a wide area network.

Typically, only one or more gateway computers in an intranet are connected to the external Internet.

The main job of the Intranet is to share information and computing resources of a company only among employees. At the same time, the intranet can also be used for teleconferences among working groups.

The intranet uses TCP /IP, HTTP, and other Internet protocols. That is why it looks like a private version of the Internet from the people.

What is the difference between Internet and Intranet?

Here you will know what is the difference between Internet and Intranet.

Meaning of Internet

The Internet is a global network that establishes a connection and provides transmission to many different computers.

It uses both wired and wireless modes of communication to send and receive any type of information like data, audio, video, etc. In this, data travels frequently through “fiber optic cables”, which are owned by telephone companies.

In recent times, everyone uses the Internet to get information, for communication, and for transferring data into the network. This is a public network using which computers can easily connect and relay with each other. It provides a very good source of information to the users.

Meaning of intranet

The intranet is a part of the Internet that is privately owned by one organization. It interconnects all its computers and provides access to all its files and folders within the network.

It also has a firewall that surrounds the system, which prevents any unauthorized user from accessing the network. Only authorized users have permission to access this network.

At the same time, Intranet is used to connect computers and to transmit data, that too within a company network. This is a secure way to share details, materials, and folders because the network is very secure and restricted within the organization.

What is the difference between Internet and Intranet?

  • Where the Internet provides unlimited information that anyone can see and use, in Intranet, data only circulates within the organization.
  • The Internet can be accessed from everyone and everywhere, while only Intranet can be used only by authenticated users.
  • Internet is not owned by a single or multiple organization, whereas Intranet being a private network, it comes under a firm or institution.
  • The Internet is a public network, so it is available to everyone, while Intranet is a private network, so it is not available to everyone.
  • The intranet is much safer than the Internet.

How does the Internet work

Computers on the Internet are connected to each other through small networks.

These networks are connected by gateways with Internet Backbone.

All computers on the Internet communicate with each other via TCP / IP, which is a Basic Protocol (ie set of rules) of the Internet.

TCP / IP ( Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol ) manages all the transmission happening on the Internet no matter what the data /file/document is, but to do this they have to make that data /file/documents small The parts are broken which are called packets or datagrams.

In this, each packet contains the address part of the actual data, ie addresses of destination and source is up to 1500 characters.

Functions of TCP and IP

1. The task of TCP is that it breaks the messages into small packets that are transmitted to the internet and then later they have also reassembled those small packets in the original message which is received. via the internet.

2. The job of IP is that it handles each part’s address part so that data can be sent to the correct address. Each gateway checks this address of the network to see where the message is being forwarded.

History of internet

Talking about the history of the Net, in 1969 it used to take its first step in the world, and with the change of time and technology, it moved forward and is not taking the name of stopping now. Let’s know a little more.

So, let us know the history of the Internet further.

1. The Internet originated from ARPANET ( ADVANCE RESEARCH PROJECT AGENCY network ).

2. ARPANET was part of the Defense Department of America in 1969.

3. In Suruwat, this network was created to send the Gupta Account via computer, whose name was ARPANET.

4. In Suruwat, this idea was used to connect five US University computers. By the decade of 1972, it had joined 23 Node of the world and different countries of the world, which was later named the Internet.

5. Initially, this network was used on the basis of Private Network, later it was used and it was changed year after year and now through this Internet, my information is Internet and the history of the Internet is reading you Were.

Internet access

1. For electronic mail exchanging
More than 85% of people connected to the Internet use the Internet to send and receive an email. More than 20 million emails are exchanged in a week.

2. To Research
The Internet is a very big source of documents, books, research papers, etc. That’s why people use it to do their research.

3. Files can be downloaded or uploaded
Many such files are uploaded here through many websites such as Movies, Songs, Videos, Documentaries, etc. If you want to see them, then you have to download them which requires the internet.

4. Discussion groups
If you want to know about a topic or get an opinion about it from an expert then you can use Discussion Groups. Here you will get many experienced and experts for expert advice about something.

5. Interactive games to play
If you are getting bored then you can play nice and funny interactive games on the Internet for your entertainment.

6. For education and self-improvement
Here you will find many online courses and workshops from which you can learn a lot while attending their online seminars, you can also make your self-improvement.

7. Friendship and dating
If you like to make friends online then there are many social media sites here for you like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

At the same time, if you are more keen on making relations then you can register yourself by going to Online Dating Sites so that you can further your relationship by talking to your partner according to your choice.

8. In electronic newspapers and magazines
Here you will find many such news websites where you can easily get all the latest breaking news, weather, and sports news. You can also read many online magazines here.

9. Searching for a job
There are many websites that are constantly providing information about jobs. Whether it is a technical job or non-technical jobs. If you are also looking for jobs, then you too can register and get your favorite job.

10. Can Shopping
Now gone are the days when you had to roam many shops to do shopping. But now you can order your desired things online while sitting at home.

You can get all kinds of things here at a very good offer price. Just you have to register yourself in these sites. Then you can shop as much as you want.

History of the internet in India

The Internet was first used in India on 15 August 1995.

The service was provided by VSNL (Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited), the largest telecom company of that time. After this, it brought some changes in this way in India.

  • The net was served in big cities.
  • 1996 Email site named Redifmail launched in India.
  • Bharata’s first cyber café opened in Mumbai in 1996.
  • A site like 1997 Noukri.com was created in India, today everyone knows it.
  • 1999 Hindiportal ” webdunia ” launched.
  • By the 2000s, the technology act 2000 came into force in India.
  • Yahoo India and MSN India were also introduced in the 2000s.
  • 2001 Online Train Website irctc.in was launched.

Just as there are two aspects of the coin, there are advantages and disadvantages of everything, in the same way, there are also advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Let’s know what is the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Know about it in some detail.

Type of internet

There are many types of internet connection so that you can connect a personal electronic device with the internet.

All these connections use different hardware and each has a different range of connection speeds.

As changes in technology are coming, faster internet connections are needed to handle such changes.

That’s why I thought why should we be told about the same type of Internet Connection so that you can know about all these options.

What is Dial-Up Connection (Analog 56K)

Dial-up Connection is the most basic form of Internet connection.

It has a telephone line that is connected to multiple users (as opposed to a dedicated line) and is connected with a PC that has Internet access.

Dial-up access is very cheap but equally slow.

A modem (internal or external) is connected to the Internet once the computer dials a phone number.

In this, the analog signal is converted to digital via modem and then sent to a land-line service through a public telephone network.

Telephone lines can be of many quality and the connection can also be bad at times.

The lines regularly experience a lot of interference and this affects its speed, which ranges from around 28K to 56K.

Since one computer or another device shares the same line of telephone, so both cannot be active at the same time.

What is DSL Connection

DSL has a full form Digital Subscriber Line.

This is an internet connection that is always ON.

It uses 2 lines so that your phone is absolutely free when your computer is connected.

DSL is a wired connection that transmits data through traditional copper telephone lines that are already installed in homes and businesses.

In this, you do not need to dial any number to be connected to the Internet.

DSL uses a router to transport data and its connection speed range depends on the service, which is between 128K to 8 Mbps.

The speed and availability of DSL Service depend on how far your home or business is from the telephone company facility near you.

What is a cable connection

Cable provides internet connection through a cable modem and it operates through cable TV lines.

Uploading and Downloading have different transmission speeds.

Since coaxial cable provides more bandwidth than dial-up or DSL telephone lines, you get faster access here.

The cable connection speed range is between 512K to 20 Mbps.

What is Fiber Connection

In this fiber connection, fast-fiber optic cables go directly to your home or office and give you a more stable, efficient and reliable connection as compared to hybrid copper and fiber systems.

It is capable of supporting broadband speed up to 1Gbps, so much speed it is able to play an HD TV program in five seconds.

Fiber optic technology converts electrical signals that are carrying data into light and sends the same light through transparent glass fibers whose diameter is the same as that of a human hair.

The fiber transmits the data in very high-speed which is much higher than the current DSL or cable modem speeds, typically in the speed of tens or hundreds of Mbps.

This FTTP connection is not shared with anyone.

At the same time, this is a very valuable option.

What is Wireless Connection

Wireless, or Wi-Fi, as the name suggests, does not use telephone lines or cables to connect to the Internet.

At the same time, it uses radiofrequency.

Wireless Connection is also always on and can be accessed from anywhere.

The coverage areas of wireless networks are increasing gradually.

At the same time, its speed range is from 5 Mbps to 20 Mbps.

What is Wireless DIA (Direct Internet Access)

Dedicated Internet Access means that a specified amount of bandwidth is specified for your use only.

This is a dedicated amount that is only for your use.

Here you are not sharing anything with anyone, but you definitely have a direct connection with the Internet SuperHighway.

Where the speed of the second internet connection depends on how many people are connected to that internet connection, but there is no difference in this because the dedicated bandwidth is already provided in it.

What is Satellite Connection

Satellite accesses the internet via a satellite in the orbit of the Earth.

Since the signal has to cover such a large distance from the earth to the satellite and back again, it provides a delayed connection compared to cable and DSL.

Satellite connection speeds range from 512K to 2.0 Mbps.

What is Cellular or Mobile technology Connection

Cellular technology provides wireless Internet access through cell phones.

It can vary the speed according to the service provider, but the most common is 3G and 4G speeds only.

Here 3G describes a 3rd generation cellular network whose mobile speeds are around 2.0 Mbps.

4G, however, means the fourth generation of cellular wireless standards.

Although the goal of 4G is to achieve a peak mobile speeds of around 100 Mbps, in reality, it is currently available only up to 21 Mbps.

At the same time, 5G has been available in only a few places and is mostly in the testing phase.

How is the internet run?

Here we will know how you can run the Internet on your computer and mobile device.

How to run internet on mobile?

Smartphones such as iPhones and Android phones are very small handheld computers with built-in GPS and camera.

At the same time, for many people, their SmartPhone is the only tool to access the Internet.

Most smartphones use two different technologies to access the internet – the first is the cellular network that the user has to subscribe to, such as Airtel, Jio, Idea, etc.

The other is Wireless Connection.

In this, the biggest advantage in Cell Network is that you can get Internet access anywhere and anytime.

In the wireless network, you need to be close to the Modem to get better speed because it has a coverage area.

How to run the internet on a computer or PC?

If you want to run the Internet on your computer or PC, then you have to take either broadband connection for it from an ISP or you can also take any wireless connection from them.

By using this, you can access the Internet on your computer.

At the same time, if you do not have that much money, you still want Internet access, then you can get internet access by using your Smartphone on the basis of a hotspot.

Benefits of internet

If you use the Internet properly, then you can do a lot, so read the benefits of the net given below and make your life digital.

1. Social networking, education, entertainment, online, it is more helpful in giving it more information.

2. It will save you time and if you want, you can teach a lot.

3. Using this, we can find any information very easily. Just like we do on Google.

We can send a message, audio, video, document to anyone easily, just like everyone else does in Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter.

4. If we talk about studies, nowadays everyone can study online and do research.

5. And the best advantage – online services like online shopping, online recharge, movie ticket booking, internet banking, online transaction, all of this has been done only because of the internet.

6. Through this, you can do video calling face to face with someone.

7. Because of this, e-commerce sites are growing very fast these days.

8. In this you can share information, you have got a facility like E-Mail because of the Internet.

9. You also need it for entertainment.

With which you can download songs, watch videos, play online games to alleviate grief.

10. The biggest advantage is that you will get the answers to all the questions, as of now you will also find what the Internet is (What is the Meaning of Internet in Hindi).

11. You will keep getting news of every moment, whenever you want, along with it, information about science, technology, will also be available on the Internet.

12. You can store all your data in it and you can download it back whenever you want.

It is also very beneficial for the government, the government has been able to reach people easily through its scheme Internet.

Loss of internet

If you want to run your life properly in this digital world, then read these things carefully, and tell others.

1. Its disadvantage is its addiction, if you feel it, then you will keep following it and will it waste your time.

2. In this, anyone shares anything by writing whether it is right or wrong, wrong information is recognized by people.

3. Through this, anyone can steal all your data from your computer through Hackers.

4. Sometimes any wrong video (MMS) spreads in the net very fast, this is also a disadvantage.

5. Computer Virus can access your computer from the Internet itself, which can make all your data disappear and also slows down your computer.

6. There are many prologue sites on the net, in which pornographic photos and videos live and they have a very bad effect on the minds of the children.

7. In this social site like Facebook, Instagram, some people leave a picture of them, these are also a disadvantage of the Internet.

8. On the Internet, there are some websites in which people ask you some questions and get all the information and they take advantage of it wrongly.

9. Using the Internet saves you time as well as wastes your time.

Development of internet

Here I have tried to showcase the development of the Internet or Evolution of the Internet.

At the same time, I have shown it systematically in its timeline according to its development.

July 1945

Vannevar Bush published his essay “As We, May Think” in Atlantic Monthly.

This was the first picture in which the human mind started thinking ahead.

At the same time, that seed of realizing the Internet and the World Wide Web had just been lost in the minds of the people.

October 4, 1957

Sputnik was launched.

It was only after the launch of Sputnik that the US government felt that they should form a network that could protect them from any military attack.

Paul Baran, who belonged to RAND Corporation, had proved that a packet-switching, the distributed network is the best design ever.

His ideas were put into use and data could be transferred to some mainframe computers throughout America.

December 9, 1968

The biggest win was when Douglas Engelbart and his team demonstrated at the Convention Center, San Francisco, a working hypertext system, word processing, video conferencing, over a network, computer mouse and more.

It really made a big impression in the field of computing and the internet.

October 29, 1969

The first connection was made of a packet-switching network between Stanford and UCLA.

Here two mainframes used interface message processors (IMPs) to send a message.

The first message that was sent to the Internet was “lo” because the system crashed in the letter g of the login itself.

This network later became ARPANET.

September 1971

ARPANET implemented a terminal interface processor (TIP), which allowed Computer terminals remote access networks.

This greatly helped ARPANET to grow by making the connection easy.


Ray Tomlinson sent the first email to himself through separate machines through a network.

He did not remember the message he sent.

He chose a @ sign to separate the user from the host – this practice is still used in email addresses.

December 1, 1971

Michael Hart spent his time at the Materials Research Lab, the University of Illinois to store public domain books and documents so that it was free to access later.

The first document that was typed was the Declaration of Independence.


Telenet was launched, which became the first pay-for-access Internet available to the public.


Usenet was launched by Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis.

It was working in a different protocol of existing networks at that time, and it represented the earliest use of the Internet as a source for public news and bulletin-board-style posts.


MILNET was split off from ARPANET, which now started working according to a military-only Internet.

It was unclassified and was used to send emails between most bases.

January 1, 1983

It was a historic day when ARPANET was moved to TCP / IP, a suite of protocols designed by Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf.

TCP / IP is still called the language of the Internet.


At the same time, the Domain Name System (DNS) was introduced, so that the host received a meaningful name and not a numerical address that was previously used.

A timeline of the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web

March 1989

Tim Berners-Lee wrote a proposal that later became the World Wide Web.

They had to do everything themselves initially, such as formalizing the language of documents (HTML), protocols for accessing them (HTTP) and creating the first web browser/editor (which was confusingly named WorldWideWeb).

Later many people joined this project to make it more wonderful.


1. Tim Berners-Lee launched the first web browser and web page.

This web page described Web and HTML, which allowed others to create more sites for themselves.

2. Gopher was released to help people search the Internet using a menu-based interface to specific content.

Later Gopher was replaced by algorithmic search engines such as Google and directories such as Yahoo, but at that time its main job was to find information from the Internet.


Mosaic was released, which was a graphical Web for Allover general public.

Marc Andreessen, a creator of Mosaic, created the Netscape Navigator and influenced the creation of the Internet, which was now only beyond the text.

October 1994

Netscape Navigator was released in beta form.

Its official version 1.0 was released in December and this browser became popular all over the world for the World Wide Web.


Secure sockets layer ( SSL ) encryption was introduced by Netscape, which has now made online business safe to use credit cards.

This innovation helped in the introduction of e-commerce.

September 15, 1997

Google.com is registered as a domain.

At the same time, its search engine went live in 1998 and both became big with time.

December 17, 1997

Jorn Barger named this term Weblog which used to refer to the collection of online links, which he “logged” from the Internet.

This term was later shortened to “blog”.

January 9, 2001

iTunes was launched.

Apple’s online music store changed the music industry.

Where each individual tracks were sold for 99 cents.

February 2004

Facebook was launched from a Harvard dorm room.

By the end of 2005, this social media site had more than about 5 million users and by 2010 it made a user base of about 500 million users.

January 9, 2007

The iPhone was unveiled, which led to the birth of a smartphone in the phone industry, and Mobile Computation slowly became popular.

July 7, 2009

Google announced the Google Chrome OS project.

This was an open-source project that was focused on creating a stable, fast OS that users used on the basis of a client interface, not for web-based applications to run applications on the local computer.


I hope that you must have liked my article on what is internet.

It has always been my endeavor to provide complete information about the definition of the Internet to the readers so that they do not have to search in the context of that article on any other site or internet.

This will also save their time and they will also get all the information in one place.

If you have any doubts about this article or you want that there should be some improvement in it, then for this you can write down comments.

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